What the Type of Treat You Give Out on Halloween Says About You
From raisins to full-size candy bars, the type of treat you give out on Halloween says more about your personality than you may think.
Fruit, Raisins, and Granola Bars
If you hand out fruit, mini boxes of raisins, or granola bars- you value overall well-being more than simple pleasures. You think in long terms, rather than short. If you’re a “healthy” house, you’re probably a really caring and logical person. You’re practical and safe. While these qualities may serve you well in everyday life- giving out these treats on Halloween may put you on the “houses to skip next year” list.
Strawberry + Caramel Hard Candies
These are the candies grandparents always have stocked, so if you’re passing these out, you are definitely over the hill. Younger generations don’t even know where to purchase those strawberries. However, they are low-key tasty, and you can never go wrong with caramels. You have a, “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” attitude and prefer consistency over adventure and change. You care more about nostalgia and tradition, than being trendy. You’re old fashioned- just like these candies.
Assorted Gummies (Dots, Burgers, Vampire Teeth, Laffy Taffy)
You made the effort to get candy, but you waited until the last minute and got what was left. The stuff nobody wants. If these candies are what you’re passing out, you’re probably not a Halloween person, a hard-worker, and/or just have a busy schedule. You didn’t mean to forget to plan ahead, but you’ve got a lot going on right now. Odds are, you are young and don’t have children of your own, and more than likely live alone. We’re thinking college kids, newly graduated, 9-5er’s and people in their lower 20’s are passing these out. Maybe you don’t live in a neighborhood that gets many trick-or-treaters, or you don’t know if you’ll even be home. However, making the effort to have some candy stocked just in case still means you care enough to try- which is what really matters.
Chocolate Eyeballs/Pumpkins + Halloween Pretzels
You love holidays, especially Halloween. You get excited to do seasonal activities and feel joy when doing them. Of course you have to choose a candy that is Halloween themed, and only available for purchase this time of year. Unfortunately, you might be a tad oblivious to the actual wants of children when it comes to candy. You care more about vanity than substance. You want the candy to look cute, rather than taste good. Those off-brand chocolates aren’t usually a crowd-pleaser. Children enjoy chocolate and pretzels any time of the year, so these treats are less than exciting for them. But for you, Halloween isn’t about candy- it’s about the festive details, and these ones do just the trick.
Candy Corn + Tootsie Rolls
You love stirring up drama. These candies are notorious for either being loved or hated, so if you’re handing them out, you probably live for the dramatic reactions of the children after each, “trick-or-treat!” You love entertainment, pranks, excitement, and laughing.
Mini Chocolates (Reese’s Cups, M&M’s, 3 Musketeers, Twix, Hershey’s, Snickers), Skittles, Starbursts, Sour Patch Kids, + Dubble Bubble Gum
You know what’s up and what the kids want. These happen to be the most popular candies to receive on Halloween. These candies say you care about Halloween and the happiness of children, but you don’t feel the need to be the best or most unique house on their trick-or-treat path. You don’t care about ego, and don’t feel the need to impress children with luxurious, expensive, or unique candies. You know these candies will do the trick, without breaking the bank. You understand the simplicity of children and probably will make or already are a great parent!
Blow Pops + Fun Dip
You love to stand-out, and thrive on being different. Not only do you want the children to remember your house for receiving a great candy, but you also want to make sure they get a candy they probably don’t already have. You’re generous, thoughtful, and creative.
Full-size Candy Bars
You’re rich. This might not actually be true, but to the kids- yep, you’re rich. If you pass out full-size candy bars, you’re likely someone who loves to be loved. You like being the center of attention, and want to be the focus of next-day conversations. You thrive on putting smiles on others faces, and love giving. You’re competitive and want to be the best of the best. So congratulations, because you surely will be everyone’s favorite house with such a top-tier candy choice.
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