The Biggest Pet Peeves Home Stagers Have About Your Home
When selling a home, you have 20 seconds to make a first impression through your marketing photos and even less when a buyer pulls up to your home.
Staged homes are proven to sell faster and for more money. According to the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, staged homes average 23 days on market. 85% sold for up to 23% over list price. We know that the way you live in your home and the way you market and sell your home are two different things and we’re here to help strategically stage your home for success.
We provide a team of professional home stagers to make your home the best on the block, but when it comes to staging, the seller has to do their part. That’s why we’ve outlined our stagers biggest pet peeves, so you know exactly what NOT to do to ensure your home sells quickly + for top dollar.
Staging Pet Peeves:
Mess- Your home should be sparkling clean for showings and pictures. You can’t stage a messy home effectively, so make sure to clean your entire house from top to bottom beforehand.
Clutter- Put away items you use all the time - like cleaning products, tools, and personal items. No one wants to see things like a toothbrush or an electric razor plugged into the wall. Also, put away items you never use - like decorative towels and fake plants. Instead put out some nice trays and top them with jars filled with things you get use out of. In the kitchen, we suggest displaying 5 bottles of Pellegrino/ Acqua Panno on the counter.
Heavy Drapery- Let some light into your space and make it shine! This means you should remove heavy drapery from windows, and turn on all lights and lamps for photos or showings. It will make the whole place appear lighter and brighter. Also, remove screens when staging. Otherwise your exterior pictures and overall curb appeal may be dulled.
Rugs- Beautiful hardwood floors are at the top of many buyers ‘must have’ lists. Buyers love clean flooring, especially if it’s in turn-key condition. You don’t want to cover up those floors with a rug. In fact, we suggest arranging your furniture to showcase the floors rather than covering them.
Trash Cans- Remove trash cans from the front of your home. Curb appeal is very important as it’s the first impression your home will make on a potential buyer. You don’t want large recycling and trash cans on your front lawn to be the first thing a buyer sees.
Themes- Do away with “mermaid themed” kid bathrooms when staging. You don’t need a under the water shower curtain, starfish hand towels, and seashell soap dispenser. Eclectic looks are much more appealing in the current market.
Too Much Furniture- You want your home to look and feel as spacious as possible. It’s crucial you make sure your furniture is proportionate to the size of the space. If you have too many pieces, this might prevent good flow in the room’s layout.
Loud Paint Colors- Bold colors can be beautiful on walls, but when staging you want to appeal to as many buyers as possible. Stick with calm, soft, and light colors. Paint is a relatively inexpensive way to drastically change the entire look of a room. The right color choice can make all of the difference to how large and bright the room can be.
Covered Grills- Outside spaces sell homes, but what’s the point of having a stellar backyard patio, deck, or outdoor kitchen if the BBQ is covered? Remove the cover off the grill, it’s an eyesore!
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