Pre-Vacation Home Checklist

by Bob Lucido Team

Preparing for vacation is a lot of work. While working on vacation planning and packing, it’s easy to overlook necessary precautions to ensure your home is well-kept and safe while away. That’s why we’ve compiled this checklist of home-related tasks to do before you head to your destination.


  • Mow the Lawn and Trim Bushes + Driveway - Homes with overgrown grass or weeded driveways signal that the home is vacant, making it a prime target for break-ins.

  • Make Trash Day Arrangements - Correspond with a neighbor or friend to take your trash out on time. Make sure all trash cans inside the home have been emptied before leaving so you don’t return to unwanted smells.

  • Pause Mail Delivery - Request the post office to hold your mail until you return home so it doesn’t stack up while away.

  • Turn Off Lights - Save energy by turning off the lights in most of the home. Leave one or two on so that the home appears to be lived in, warding off potential intruders. If you want to turn all lights off, shut your blinds, curtains, and/or shades. This way no one can see into the empty home.

  • Scatter Valuables - It’s a good idea to scatter valuables throughout the house in case of a theft. It will be more unlikely to have all of them stolen this way. If you keep everything together in an obvious place, a thief will more easily steal all of them. You could place valuable documents and items in kitchen cabinets or inside the washer or dryer.

  • Unplug appliances and electronics - Appliances and electronics continue to use energy while plugged in even when not in use. Unplug your TV, microwave, toaster, etc. to reduce your energy waste and save you money.

  • Set the Thermostat Accordingly - If you’re leaving pets behind, you’ll want to leave your heating or cooling system on. If the home will be completely vacant, turn off your system so as not to waste energy. If you have a smart thermostat, you can turn the heat or A/C back on in time to cool or heat your home before you return. Make sure you have this set up on your phone or electronic device in advance.

  • Purge Perishable Foods / Put them in the Freezer - If you have food that will no longer be edible by the time you get back, eat it or if the food type allows, throw it in the freezer to extend the shelf life.

  • Remove the Spare Key - The first thing an intruder will do is look for your spare key. If you have one hidden in a common place like under the front doormat, flower pot, or decorative rock - remove it. If you have someone doing home check-ins, give them the spare key to keep for the allotted time rather than have them grab it from its hiding place.

  • Install Security - If you don’t have a security system in place, consider purchasing and installing one. If you already have one, make sure all of your settings are up to date. If your security system only notifies you of movement during your everyday work hours, you’ll want to change that to 24/7.

  • Make Pet Arrangements - Make sure your furry friend will be well taken care of during your departure. Have a friend or family watch them, take them to a pet hotel, or hire a dog/cat sitter.


Download your very own FREE Pre-Vacation Home Checklist HERE!



Bob Lucido Team

+1(410) 465-6900


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