Tips to Ensure an Easy + Organized Move
Packing up your entire life to move from one home to another can be a memorable experience, but if you aren’t organized, it can also be very stressful. Planning intentionally is vital to an easy move. With these tips at your disposal, your move will be more organized, easy, and satisfying- creating a smooth transition into your new home.
- Pre-Pack
Before you begin packing, you’ll want to pre-pack. This includes: calculating your moving costs + budget, determining if you are going to use movers, collecting supplies (boxes, labels, markers, bubble wrap, packing tape, + packing peanuts), and choosing where each piece of furniture is going to live in the new space. Completing these pre-tasks will make the entire moving process easier. - Cut the Clutter
Moving is a great chance to rid your home of clutter. Toss or donate all unnecessary or broken items. This will make your new home feel fresh + clean, and potentially help reduce moving costs. - Color-Code
A great trick for moving is to color-code your boxes by room. Assign each room its own color and put every item that will belong there in those colored boxes. Colored tape is an alternate option with the same effect. This way, everyone involved will know exactly where to put each box on the day of the move when unloading. Be Specific with Labeling
Instead of only writing, “KITCHEN” on your box, label what is actually inside of it, “KITCHEN; silverware + dishes” Chances are, unpacking will take a few days, sometimes longer. This way you will more easily know where items are for when you need them. Plus, whoever handles the box will be aware if there are fragile items inside.- Organize Cords
Nothing is more frustrating than a tangled ball of cords on moving day. Consider purchasing cord clips and organizers. Twist ties can work also. Label each cord by the electronic it belongs to and keep ones that plug into the same electronic together. - Keep Hardware Together
Make sure to keep all screws, nuts, and bolts with their respective furniture to avoid major headaches. For example, if you have to disassemble and reassemble larger furniture in order to move it, keep all of its hardware in a plastic bag, label the bag, and tape it to the box it's in, or the furniture piece itself. Don’t forget to have a tool box handy on moving day for reassembly! - Keep Valuables Together
Be intentional with valuable items. Consider packing important documents or items separately and keep them close to you during the move. Bring them in your car rather than the moving truck. This also goes for keys, phone, wallet, etc. You don’t want to lose these items somewhere among all of the boxes! - Pack Strategically for One Day
Make sure everyone living in the new space packs a separate bag with the essentials they will need for one day, just in case hiccups happen or moving takes longer than expected. Throw a toothbrush, toothpaste, essential toiletries, clean pair of clothes, deodorant, phone charger, daily medications, etc. in a backpack and keep it in your car separate from the moving boxes. - Pre-Unpack
A day or so before moving, it is helpful to visit the new home and put essential things like toilet paper, hand-soap, and water bottles inside. Check that there is adequate lighting, and set the thermostat to your desired temperature. If you can’t visit the home ahead of time, do these things immediately upon arrival.
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